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Member since: 18 years
Last Logged in: 10 years


Profession: Musician/produceur
City: Bassin Arcachon
Age: 40 years
I Compose: Abstract hip-hop Ambient Electro Experimental soundtrack
with: Reason 5,Record 1.5
I Play: Ambient, Dub, Electro, Experimental Sound, HipHop, Techno, Trance, Chill.


Total Posts: 11
Last Post: 16 years in This Friendship
Total Comments: 32 (0/day)
Last Comment: 15 years in Empty Town EP : 03 Ghost Funfair
Listened by User: 939 (0.1/day)
Last Listened: 10 years @ Ambient me I ll Electro you : 04 Build a new life on this star
Total Songs: 55
Listened: times (/day)


Je suis pas "Dj" , je fait de la MAO, avec quelques softwares.

Je cré un peu de tout les syles de music electro : l'Ambient,
Dub (Pour le moment un seul morceau lol), Electro, Experimental Sounds, , Techno, Trance, Chill.... et j'ai fais des instrumentaux dans un project de hip hop.

Je fais aussi ce que je qualifie "d'instrumentaux electronico-emotionelle"

C'est pas du chill ni de l'orchestral pur, c'est entre les deux, avec des melodies les plus harmoniques possible et un fond d'ambient planant.

Souvent, ces melodies sont sombres mais profondes.
Parfois le fruit de certaines souffrances personnelles ou d'emotions crachées sur le moment.

J'arrive aussi a composer selon une thematique que je me suis imposé ou qui vient comme ca , souvent suite a une improvisation.

Les impros travaillés sont souvent les meilleurs morceaux, car l'impro a la base est le fruit d'un sentiment momentané que l'on retravaille musicalement par la suite : on l'aprofondis en fonction de ce qu'on connais de ce sentiment la pour y mettre toute l'ampleur spirituelle et emotionelle.

C'est dans cette etat d'espris que je compose :)

N'hesitez pas a m'envoyer un PM dans ma boite mail interne "ElectroBell"

Merci de votre lecture


Uk: Hello my name is Thomas or T.c.k , I am not a band, I create my music alone. My artist name is T.C.K. I'm 24 years old , i leave in France, not far away from "Bordeaux"

Each letter of my pseud has a significance. A name. Thomas for T, Coco (It's a family nickname) or Clad (Final Fantasy 7, one of my favorite character of the "Final Fantasy series") for C, and Kafka (franz) or Kefka (final fantasy 6) for K.
I have not played "live" yet. I make music a home for the moment. My dream is : To play my harmonic songs on a church with a full orchestra.
I create music since....2001...i started with ejay.
I use two software, a powerfull sound cart, a synthetizer (yamaha) with pattern and instruments (wave formats) and i use midi technology andsome free VST.

I create many style of music ... Techno, trance, hip hop, ambient, ambient-instrumental, electro, exeperimental...improvised piece too.. I'm just starting start now to create dub, chill, and many more...but this is not on the web yet

I'm unsigned and not yet on a record label. ( Hope i will be signed one day :) )

I do also what i qualify of "Emotional Electronic Music " This is not "chill" not purely "orchestral" , but it is between both, with melodies most harmonious as possible and a bottom of latent ambient .

Often, these melodies are dark but deep. Melodies are sometimes the fruit of some personal pain or emotions spit at this precise time.

I can also make music according to a theme that I've imposed to myself , but sometimes a theme come to me,and then translated by an improvisation.
The "worked" improvised pieces are often the best pieces, because the improvisation (That is the basic structure) is the fruit of a temporary feeling that i musically work thereafter: i dig it deeper according to what i know about this feeling.

I create music in these way when the ideas (Or pain) are here.

You can mail me if you need, in mail box ;)

Thank you for your reading.
