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Member since: 15 years
Last Logged in: 8 years


City: Metz
Age: 43 years
I Compose: abstract hip-hop,eletronic, funk, soul,jazz
with: MPC1000, Boss DR-880
Cakewalk Sonar
I Play: Trip-hop / Hip-hop / funk/ Jazz/ electro
with: guitare, basse, keyboard, melodica, MPC


Total Posts: 52
Last Post: 13 years in sampling culture
Total Comments: 75 (0/day)
Last Comment: 13 years in Just a little beat more...
Listened by User: 1479 (0.3/day)
Last Listened: 12 years @ Quicker Than You Think v2.0
Total Songs: 11
Listened: times (/day)