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nadia - tell me


Tell me why you look on
The dark side of things
Why you sometimes seem
To be somewhere else.
Tell me why things
Aren't going too well.

You know that I can divine
And find what there is.
Behind your strange silence
Because your eyes cannot lie
A long time and betray
All Your feelings.

Tell me the truth today,
Tell me what troubles you,
Tell me the truth today,
Tell me what's hurting you
And I will show you the way.

Tell me why you look on
The dark side of things
Why you sometimes seem
To be somewhere else.
Tell me why things
Aren't going too well.

Everytime that you think about
Your broken love you sink into
Deep and great melancholy
Because you have a tender heart
But you can't indure that
Alone too long.

Tell me the truth today,
Tell me what troubles you,
Tell me the truth today,
Tell me what's hurting you
And I will show you the way.

Instrumental ...

Tell me the truth today,
Tell me what troubles you,
Tell me the truth today,
Tell me what's hurting you
And I will show you the way.


nadia top 5:




zooz [fr] - 18 years ago

Good job! A little bit repetivive maybe...but i like this song

helios [fr] - 18 years ago

Good song! I like it

jikjax [fr] - 17 years ago

Nice voice, good song, i like oriental flavours, bravo ! :)