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EeBoO - Funny Sakana


it's a track composed for a court film.
a story about a boy who lives incredibles adventures in the wood, with chamans, monsters and kung-fu...





suredj [fr] - 18 years ago

the ambiances is very sweat !
god job for this court metrage

Fsuchs [fr] - 18 years ago

love the way you experiment sweet vibes... Make me remember some Bullitnuts tracks...

Degiheugi [fr] - 18 years ago

Yep ! good work, comme d'hab ;)

kemar [fr] - 18 years ago

good song !!
i like it !

onkgusD [fr] - 18 years ago

hey hey anonymous it's me ;)

Anonymous [fr] - 18 years ago

fuckin'good'work :))
really enjoy your work... ptin au niveau des samples and des ambiances c'est excellent...
I love the construction and the evolution of this one and the nappe on the back ground all over the track rajoute un ptite touche glauque (it's remind me the third eyes foundation)
Infantile et glauque, t'as tout pour me plaire :))