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VEM - Power Off Distorsion (VEM Beta Version Mix)
I was influenced by some songs of BrkNWicked, some of other he gave me to hear, like "Because they don't exist" (from LeBelgeElectrod) or a part of a 2hours mix from ShakeDB, and i made an electro-like music, and because i thought it was directly influenced by people doing CC "free" music, i decided to subscribe to E-bel too, beginning by publishing this song...An ElectroCombiNation, DistorDead by myself... Note: This is still an unfinished song but next to be, and an other version exists, with Dr Alfonse for his killin' bass...
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Fsuchs [fr] - 15 years ago
J'aime bien comment ça part un couille des fois... bon groove.
ça peux des fois me faire penser à du impulsion, en plus étoffé, moins minimal. bref, ben bien, même sie je ne m'y connais pas de masses dans ce style... A vi et j'aime bien la basse.
Freakywrath [fr] - 15 years ago
ya un peu de mixage a faire
au niveau du kik qui pourré etre plus gras !
VEM [fr] - 15 years ago