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teonanacatl - Kitchy Squary




Fsuchs [fr] - 18 years ago

Smooth tune, electro deepshitz come directly inside my mind, dazed by that dubby mood wich is hung to this very "simple" melody... great vibe, and nice one...

soulsoldier [fr] - 18 years ago

it put me in a smoothy atmospher !!really happy song whit a pretty funny ambiance ! you make awesome and original track !keep this eclectic vibes teo !!! ;) :)

SandwichGarnier [be] - 17 years ago

oui oui, j'aime encore :)
je continue chez toi, tant pis pour les autres :-)

suredj [fr] - 17 years ago

un pti on sympas a re écouter aussi !