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ZeBrokenEgg - Brainfuxx


Something with violin and some breaks, something like tragedy, but sorry me i am not venitian snares. :)
This is a new version, with (maybe) a better masterring!





conradbelfort [fr] - 17 years ago

pas venetian snare mais vraiment pas dégueu!!! ça manque d'être un peu soigné sur le mix....car ça sonne trés sourd... peut être un choix? Sinon j'aime l'enssemble de l'ecriture!!!! ;)

Anonymous [fr] - 17 years ago

i liked the end of the song

BAMBAMBAM [be] - 16 years ago

nice melody & sphere but too much of a venetian snares soundalike ,u gots the skillz , now gets ur own stylez & with some work u're gone for success

Kemi [fr] - 16 years ago

I like the atmosphere of the track
Not Venitian but not far;)

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

maybe not venetian, but def good, nice mix, only the mastering could be a tiny bit better, but mastering is fucking hard (can't do it for shit myself), so i don't blame you ;)
i'll be keeping track of your songs, everything i heared so far is pretty good work, like bam³ says, you got the skillz....

ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 16 years ago


WanBushi [be] - 16 years ago

its a nice song man. good atmo and melody.
Juste les kicks je sais po ils ne me séduisent po trop, enfin si au debut, mais apres ca me lasse un peu, mais ca doit etre mes gouts ^^

Anonymous [fr] - 16 years ago

great !!!!!!!!

Syndrom [fr] - 16 years ago

ben ma foi, elle pas mal celle-là ! les mélodies sont chouettes, par contre je t'ai trouvé bien calme niveau rythmik ce coup-ci ! j'aurais bien vu un petit passage agacé... enfin, j'dis ça, j'dis rien... nice track anyway !