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Freakywrath - drill ya mind
update for the new year.add : cithar(i think now that's not repetitiv anymore) and i finish the 2nd part of this song which is "oriented"
on core and brky style .
begin with melodic & dramatic ambiances combinated with lots of speedy & brky rythmic
For the 2nd part i think i lost myself a bit in a lots of rytmics but it's work ( i hope)
maybe final version i'll do a mastering with protools at my school later
so enjoy and tellmewhatdoyouthinkaboutit.
Freakywrath top 5:
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AthanagorIV [fr] - 17 years ago
surtout la premiere partie!
Omelette [fr] - 17 years ago
tjrs a fond de tes sons, fuckin' good breaks !!
Freakywrath [fr] - 17 years ago
ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 17 years ago
Freakywrath [fr] - 17 years ago
kyf [fr] - 17 years ago
kyf [fr] - 17 years ago
Syndrom [fr] - 16 years ago
nenes [fr] - 16 years ago
bouwakanja [fr] - 16 years ago
parce que franchement man t'a première partit m'a fait bien vibré!! bienbien!!
sampleater [fr] - 16 years ago
comme les autres , j ai surtout aprecié la 1ere partie...belle progression
par contre apres le premier sample je trouve que ca se gate un peu (niveau créa et prod)
sauf le moment ou y'a une tres belle disto :)
Uzi [fr] - 15 years ago
Freakywrath [fr] - 15 years ago
drsmrka [fr] - 15 years ago
Freakywrath [fr] - 15 years ago
j'avais pas vu que t'était de moulins. allier powa !
sinon les compos avec le nom freakywrath c'est les plus vieilles
mon nouveau pseudo c'est brk'n'wicked
badmotherfucker [fr] - 14 years ago