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lukedaltan - One More Sunrise


Song written in a "summertime" spirit. Fresh sounds and travelling images working throughout my ind at this period...





Anonymous [fr] - 17 years ago

Great tribal intro, heard a stock Reason sample in there (the scratching sound). Nice build into the first breakdown at around 2 minutes. The first breakdown needs to be shortened, in my opinion. Could do with some more variation on the percussion and synths, by 4 minutes I was a little bored. Summery feel to the track, although I wouldn't have classified it as electro-house. 7/10

lukedaltan [fr] - 17 years ago

thanks for your comment, I know the weaknesses of this track, but when I have achieved a song, I have difficulties to rework it... You're right, for the style we are more in the classic/afro house than electro.