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Tugs - Disco Dingo


Disco Dingo, disco rhythmical music with exceptional choreography. To listen, and listen, and listen.....


Tugs top 5:




humbug [fr] - 19 years ago

try " old new wave" section ;)

was a joke! congratulations...

Tugs [fr] - 19 years ago

Who can say what's electro in fact ? :)

is electro, a song with electronics' intruments ?

but, i can change category, tell me what's the better one for this "funny" song :)

suredj [fr] - 19 years ago

good traks ! but .. electro ? are you shure ? :p

Anonymous [fr] - 19 years ago

do you call this electro? It really has everything of dance music and not electro imho
Nice melo's mastering could be much better
Keep it up this is just a new site with new possibilities in the future

Anonymous [fr] - 19 years ago

Welcom frenchy's
good song
rf061992 in electrbel.be

Anonymous [fr] - 18 years ago

very cool this song !!

zooz [fr] - 18 years ago

is that disco ?

shoutingmess [fr] - 18 years ago

really cool!

trasher [fr] - 14 years ago

jean mich fait la meme musique avec des lasers sur des piramides