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EeBoO - Firefly


I made this track with a drum sample from vinylstic ( i like how drum is mixed, it's "à l'ancienne", and it's sounds good), bass played by me and sampled (I know I'm not really bassist, but I like playing bass), accoustic guitar played by me and recorded with a static microphone audio technica 404, and the plugin soft synth is polysix from korg.





Degiheugi [fr] - 18 years ago

good ambiance !

Kyran [be] - 17 years ago

Oooh, this is my kind of thing. I adore the sound of the drums (what's vinylstic btw) good work!

Youzk [fr] - 17 years ago

Yes, I've just discover your music, and, whaow, i have to admitt i'm really blow!
Nice melody, the ambiance is very pleasant, calm and relaxant... really well mastered... huge word dude!
Bravo ;)

Anonymous [fr] - 16 years ago

I enjoy that clean flying tracks !
And I love flying ....

Claire's Bro => Matt