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cat - Tonight




TKY [fr] - 18 years ago

a good track man, bravo !!!
very trance sounds !!
I like it


transynth [be] - 18 years ago

yea nice trance track, very melodic i like that :) but hey please replace that kickdrum by a phatter one, this one is to weak imo...
for the rest thumbs up, parce ke c'est du beau travail ;) Grtz!

KAMDER [fr] - 18 years ago

-- Comment deleted by cat--

TKY [fr] - 18 years ago

Eske je pe mixer ton morceau dans mon set..bien sur j'enverrai le set.. ;)

Phyzz [fr] - 18 years ago

Yes good! An belgian trance/dance style imo. (could be in the dance charts)

JordanWaeles [be] - 18 years ago

Nice eurotrance track!

There are some really good ideas in there, you should just fix the sound a bit but otherwise it is really , really great material !

Thumbs up !