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Nitramm - La non demande en mariage (nitramm remix)


I've listened the 2nd Ebel release "Brassens chante encore" and because I love Brassens I wanted to make a remix of a song I like very much. But original is always better!





kaldosh [fr] - 18 years ago


aeiTE [fr] - 18 years ago

"étonnant"don't worry it really works even if it can't be better than da original
it's something else : a good tribute
really good !

Anonymous [fr] - 18 years ago

Nice tribute indeed
I would make the cello more prominent at some point (if it's a cello), and bring the backing vocals sooner to finish on a sort of climax... and then even maybe calm it down for the end after that climax


Ghostown [fr] - 17 years ago

Tres bien! il est vrai que son chant est tellement beau deja.
But i really like this instru. (did you sample the original music or as that all new?)
Nice vibe

Nitramm [fr] - 17 years ago

I'm not proud of this track... I just add the (bad) beat, the organ and the bass.
But I love Brassens...

Anonymous [fr] - 16 years ago

du beau boulot

Anonymous [fr] - 16 years ago

c'est tjrs aussi bien fait