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Awkward - Broken Guitars


Morceau composé par Awkward
Song compoosed by Awkward

Ce morceau est un extrait du cinquième album du groupe "GolF & Awkward" intitulé "Béa", sorti en mars 2005, mais "Broken guitars" fut le premier morceau achevé de l'album, c'est pourquoi il fut composé quelques mois auparavant...C'est ma premiere expérience électro-rock, ça peut donc etre décevant pour certains. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne musique de maniere générale...

This song is an extract from the fifth album of "GolF & Awkward" called "Béa", recorded in March 2005, but "Broken guitars" was the first ended song on this album, that's why it was composed some month earlier... It's my first electro-rock exeprience so you could be disapointed. Indeed I don't think it's a good song...




liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago

nice song... but I would add electronic elements up from the begining and work a little bit more on the drums...

Nevertheless... very nice song and fat ambiance!!!