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Raz - Nimp


this track is from my first projet created in 2003 for my project "dream"

the playlist is :

the playslist is :

[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/551/Intro__pital_]01 - Intro (pital)[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/46/Down]02 - Down[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/505/Nimp]03 - Nimp[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/123/Project_X]04 - Project X[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/550/Sa_K_2]05 - Sa K 2[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/47/Travel]06 - Travel[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/48/Soul__s_spirit]07 - Soul's Spirit[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/552/Enter_lud__Strange_Dream_]08 - Enter lud (Strange Dream)[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/545/Forest]09 - Forest[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/17/Another_World]10 - Another world[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/546/Falling]11 - Falling[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/553/Labo_rat_oir_]12 - Labot-rat(oir)[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/554/Search]13 - Search[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/106/Trans_At_Lantic]14 - Trance At Lantic[/url]
[url=http://www.electrobel.fr/muzik/555/End__of_dream_]15 - End (of dream)[/url]




Youzk [fr] - 18 years ago

Cool track dude, but the stereophonik of the song is a bit weird, Like the hat are too much on right, so that a bit disturbing, not so important...

Btw, I reconized the Boo bass, za Powä of Fl!