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NeiLicis - Riddim Culta is Dangera' (BW Riddim Culta ;NL6 remix)


this is a remix of " Riddim Culta " a song originaly created by BADWEED , thanks to him for givin' his soundpack
I hope u'll enjoy it as good as the original!!!!!
!!!! DANGERA' !!!





soulsoldier [fr] - 17 years ago

there 's a melodic probleme in the first part of the track with the gitard part and your bass line (dissonent) the drum and bass part is great ... very good . i thing you can keep this spirit for the rest of the track (intro /couplet /outro )

suredj [fr] - 17 years ago

fuck you work verry fast ma soon !!
bon remix ma caille
ya des pti pb de callage de sample au debut il me semble

BADWEED [fr] - 17 years ago

ye mon!! Very good feelings!! :)
quelques problemes c'est vrai entre entre autres dans le calage (ça vient surement de mes samples) et dans les note de ta bassline.. mais c sur une tres bonne voie :)


Anonymous [fr] - 17 years ago

good job. asw leader

Anonymous [fr] - 15 years ago

love tha dubwsie jungle... respect to all tha junglists...
B. - www.lrrecords.com.au