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classicScifi - break ton beat


abstract or trip hop? I dont'know but it's a new set with basse and guitar always.un peu long and bad evolution of the track.





jikjax [fr] - 17 years ago

cool track dude !

MisoSoundz [fr] - 17 years ago

Add momolsh's trumpet and it'll be a great tuerie!

Youzk [fr] - 17 years ago

good song, but a part is too much trashy...
And the end is too brutal...
But good good melody man!

AthanagorIV [fr] - 17 years ago

Very good song my little Cracker's-Coks-ChauduSS-Style-Groove !

I enjoy it (sauf the little mélodie at the end...)

Anonymous [fr] - 17 years ago

yeah ! good ambiance ! great work on the guitar, I like moins la drum part on the second part (comprendre moi ?) at the début, le kick and the snare a little bit trash but all is great sans this detail... :P

MOSHOW [fr] - 17 years ago

les guitars son nikel... y a une bonne embience méme si l'evolution demende un p'ti remanimen. de la bale!! :)

Anonymous [fr] - 15 years ago

ienb, ienb

Anonymous [fr] - 14 years ago

kamder says : good melodyzes , i like the organ style synth and the snare play's groove action