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Forum : Bug Reports : l'anglais

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Post: 93
Last track: ORGANI-K
j'ai remarqué que beaucoup d'user's  ne tiennent pas trop rigueur de  de l'anglais lors de l'elaboration  de leur commentaires ou de la presentation de leur songs  , je pense que je risque de faire pareil à l'avenir......
suredj [fr]
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Post: 1355
Last track: Lunaris
Tu débraques :))
ca fait un moment que les comments sont passé en fr
les descriptions par contre doivent toujours etre un minimum en anglais vu que le site est visité par beaucoup d'etrangers
en fait pour les comments tu as le choix de l'ecrire en fr ou en uk voir meme les deux si tu veux ...
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Post: 93
Last track: ORGANI-K

merci suredj pour le renseignement , j'essayerai de fouiller un peu plus à l'avenir , ça evitera des posts comme celui là !
suredj [fr]
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Post: 1355
Last track: Lunaris
pas de soucis ;)
LiquidBass [fr]
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Post: 52
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just have a look at the italian ebel platform to see what this nationalisation of the platforms leads too...
noone visits electrobel.it coz its all in italian... be it in the forums, be it in the song descriptions, be it in the comments, be it on the wall... no way to understand what it is about... its all in italian... it could be chinese...
go on nationalising or frenchizing (nice word.. lol...) electrobel.fr and you will be soon among yourselves... just as the italians are...

well I am not here to tell you what to do... just think of it... when you write in french only on ebel.fr
sporsmaal2 [fr]
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Post: 24
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i agree!
get your stuff heard worldwide, not just in france 

Originally posted by : LiquidBass

just have a look at the italian ebel platform to see what this nationalisation of the platforms leeds too...
none visits electrobel.it coz its all in italian... be it in the forums, be it in the song descriptions, be it in the comments, be it on the wall... no way to understand what it is about... its all in italian... it could be chinese...
go on nationalising or frenchizing (nice word.. lol...) electrobel.fr and you will be soon among yourselves... just as the italians are...

well I am not here to tell you what to do... just think of it... when you write in french only on ebel.fr

suredj [fr]
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Post: 1355
Last track: Lunaris
oué mais je rappel que le forum est en fr ... ou en anglais si vous voulez mais ca dépend du sujet
et si c'est uniquement en anglais c pas bon non plus (je parle du sujet initial d'un post en forum) 
mais pour les choses qui concerne les utilisateurs (qui sont tous francais) et le fonctionement unterne
je vois pas l'utilité de parler anglais ... a bon entendeur ;) 
crolerbedo [be]
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Post: 175
Last track: Under the thin waterstream
jveux pas me mêler hein :D mais of course, tchitchat topics can be in french, but when it's about "general" things that may interest other ebelians (parties, labelthingies, releases and other...) I suppose you can easily understand that it should be in english...
Ne serait-ce que because that electrobel.fr place has got lot of good things that MUST be spread... 
LiquidBass [fr]
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Post: 52
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Originally posted by : crolerbedo

Ne serait-ce que because that electrobel.fr place has got lot of good things that MUST be spread...


yes... excellent point!!!
suredj [fr]
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Post: 1355
Last track: Lunaris
franchemnt beaucoup d'user sont des buses en anglais
alors les deux langues pour que tout le monde comprenne quand il sagit de post general ./

 ensuite je le repete encore et encore pour ce type de sujet par ex je vois pas l'interet de parler en anglais  
bah oui ! soit en français, soit en francais pluis anglais , parce que là apr exemple, j'ai rien compris au réponse !!!!!
onkgusD [fr]
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Post: 151
Last track: Nina Torcida
Originally posted by : suredj

franchemnt beaucoup d'user sont des buses en anglais

C'est toi la buse ;) 
jikjax [fr]
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Post: 226
Le mieux, c'est tout mélanger avec le français, l'anglais, le dutch, l'italien, bref toutes les langues d'EBEL pour qu'on ait notre propre langage, l'EBELIEN. Epi kréyol osi ! ;)
suredj [fr]
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Post: 1355
Last track: Lunaris

*fait la buse* 
onkgusD [fr]
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Post: 151
Last track: Nina Torcida
a moin lé dakor ek ou !
Oté ban ébélien allon cozer Kréol don ! 
Originally posted by : jikjax

Le mieux, c'est tout mélanger avec le français, l'anglais, le dutch, l'italien, bref toutes les langues d'EBEL pour qu'on ait notre propre langage, l'EBELIEN. Epi kréyol osi ! ;)

garfunkell [it]
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Post: 149
Last track: The Full Moon Fest
Hi you all, guys

Well, before getting started, i d love replying Liquid Bass, which quite awfully states that italians are left on their own.
First of all dear Liquid, I do not think that knife on italians portal back saying this things is such a friend/buddy (whatever)  behaviour.... if you have something to say about us please come on our portal as we will be quite happy listening toyou.
Next to that, i do not actually understand what you are looking for, considering that electrobel is a good place for Indie musician to put their song and make friends, i can get why you are taking it so seriously, have fun mate, it ain't good take arts to seriously....
I think strongly think that if I want to listen a specified genre on electrobel.fr, i do not need having comments in English, as the thing I care are indeed music the rest are borders.
Make a community working means having people united, so why should I force italians to speak english in italy?????? They would send me in that place, as there is not good reason for us, and for french either.
Only belgian need to as they have a particular condition in their country.
I brought Electrobel in Italy as we didn t have a good place for gathering music/musician up, electrobel is a good one, but despite four countries are linked together, my goal is mainly create an united electronic music scene in Italy, it wouldn t be that great having electrobel.it written in english and not italian users  parteciping on it.....
Thank you all guys 

sporsmaal2 [fr]
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Post: 24
Last track:
you make some good points, garfunkell
its true that you dont need song comments in a particular language to be able to appreciate the music, and it does seem counterproductive to have an italian or french site entirely in english.
however, like it or not, english is widely used throughout the world, and having at least some of the site in english will help spread the word.  it will appear in lots of search engines for example, and there is a large percent of the world who wont even look at a site in a foreign language. until we all speak the same language we will have to come up with these kind of solutions.  
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 6
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Excuse moi Garfunkell...

j'ai nullement voulu t'offenser, ni toi ni l'entiere plateforme italienne. J'ai seulement constaté et regretté que de moins en moins de gens pratiquent l'anglais sur les plateformes francaise et italienne et que par consequent l'echange entre les differentes plateformes en souffre, par manque de compréhension des differentes langues. Contrairement à la plateforme francaise, la partie "internationale" sur electrobel.it est très très restreinte. Beaucoup m'ont confirmé que la musique des eubeliens italiens est excellente... (et on en parle de cette musique!)... mais tous ont regretté de ne rien comprendre de ce qui y est dit dans les forums... etc... et que pour cette il n'y vont pas voir... euh...très souvent.

J'admets volontiers que dans mon message le "noone" était inapproprié. Au lieu de "noone visits electrobel.it coz its all in italian..." j'aurai pu écrire "few ebel members from be,fr,nl,lu,uk,ie visit electrobel.it coz..."

D'autant plus, il est important de noter que le constat que j'ai dressé, a été fait dans le contexte du message Kamder, dont je comprends bien la position, mais que je trouve qu'il vaut maintenir electrobel comme un ensemble de plateformes et pas comme plateformes isolées... à travers la langue. Je n'ai jamais dit qu'il ne faut pratiquer QUE l'anglais.

Finalement... la musique est bel et bien une langue qui ne nécessite pas de traduction. Mais je dirai que nous sommes plutot une communauté de musiciens et pas seulement de musique. Electrobel ne vit pas de son serveur "Britney" bourré d'Mp3, mais de la rencontre entre amateurs de musique electronique et indépendante qui s'y rencontrent tous les jours. Et volontiers, je prends electrobel très au serieux, et j'y consacre une partie non négligeable de mon temps libre.

A bonne entendeur...


Originally posted by : garfunkell

Hi you all, guys

Well, before getting started, i d love replying Liquid Bass, which quite awfully states that italians are left on their own.
First of all dear Liquid, I do not think that knife on italians portal back saying this things is such a friend/buddy (whatever) behaviour.... if you have something to say about us please come on our portal as we will be quite happy listening toyou.
Next to that, i do not actually understand what you are looking for, considering that electrobel is a good place for Indie musician to put their song and make friends, i can get why you are taking it so seriously, have fun mate, it ain't good take arts to seriously....
I think strongly think that if I want to listen a specified genre on electrobel.fr, i do not need having comments in English, as the thing I care are indeed music the rest are borders.
Make a community working means having people united, so why should I force italians to speak english in italy?????? They would send me in that place, as there is not good reason for us, and for french either.
Only belgian need to as they have a particular condition in their country.
I brought Electrobel in Italy as we didn t have a good place for gathering music/musician up, electrobel is a good one, but despite four countries are linked together, my goal is mainly create an united electronic music scene in Italy, it wouldn t be that great having electrobel.it written in english and not italian users parteciping on it.....
Thank you all guys

suredj [fr]
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Post: 1355
Last track: Lunaris
d'ou la necesité de creer une radio ebel general et de prevoir des emission qui donne la parole au differentes plate forme c'est en carton et devrai demarer debut/fin janvier je vous tien au jus et en parlerais officilement le moment venue 
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 6
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et ça c'est une excellente nouvelle! :)